About Me

There seems to be no area of our lives, whether public or private,that is not subject to the scrutiny of the 'Equality People' Yet, no one ever defines Equality. So, how will we know it when we see it? Is it definable? And are the principles of equality, however we define them, attainable?.Is the ever extending range of government regulation over our lives 'progress'Or,are we on the road to totalitarianism. Are we hindered or helped in our quest for rights and justice through membership of the E.U., U.N.,e.t.c. or, would a strengthening of our own Parliamentary Democracy serve us better. This Blog will comment on equality and related issues with the hope of making some small contribution to the debate. Feel free to post your opinions and share your thoughts and experiences. That way we can get a better idea of how we, the little people really feel about things. And,just maybe,we might even influence the debate!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The Battle Has Begun

The Future ?
 I  bought one of those new fangled e-cigarettes today. I'd been musing over the purchase for some time. It really is time to stop the tobacco smoking but,I do enjoy it. So, the e-ciggy is the best compromise I could come up with.

These electronic replacements contain nicotine of varying strengths but no tar or any of the other chemicals which really do the damage. Nicotine can be addictive but that's it;but so can anything I suppose if you like it enough. But there's nothing harmful in it:except of course to the anti-brigade, who would ban everything they don't like the idea of.

But they don't count. It's still a free country-so far. And anyway, I'll need to save my money in case the government wants to raid my piggy bank to pay the banks for screwing us into the ground, as they've just done to the Cypriots. Dont'cha just love the E.U.

It cost £20 for the whole kit;nice fruity oil;charger, and the inhaler thingy. Replacement oil costs about £5 and, by all accounts one should last about a week. So that's £5 per week for smokes instead of £6 per day.There really was no choice.

But can I do it? I still have some cigarettes. I've told myself it's the last packet I will need to buy. I started using the e-cig this afternoon and already I've noticed a difference-I actually prefer the taste of mixed fruit to tobacco-so maybe I'm in with a chance.

Wish me luck


  1. I have several and prefer the ones with multiple flavours. Smoking a roast chicken was weird, as was smoking absinthe, but it's a new experience. Also I can't resist gadgets.

    For myself, I still smoke tobacco too. The electrofags are an addition rather than a replacement.

    The only flavour that doesn't work for me is tobacco flavour. They haven't got that right yet.

    It's still worth growing your own. Nicotine is water soluble so extracting your own juice from leaves is very easy. They can't impose duty on flavourings but they will impose it on nicotine juice eventually.

    1. Thank you for your response. I'm still giving these things a go. However,they did make me quite ill for a while but I was told to persevere.

      Interesting to note the post on your blog re e-cigs and attempts to control them, which usually means making them a health problem. So they will become more expensive,will probably have to be hidden in brown paper bags,and I expect there will be lots of them just falling of the backs of lorries making lots of us into criminals.

      I will probably go back to paying for the real thing full time unless I can cultivate it my self;I already do basil,coriander,sage,fennel-tobacco here we go!

      btw- talking about flavour, my partner got himself a more upmarket type,one that actually looks like a real ciggy. It's meant to have tobacco flavour but it just tastes like vanilla,so it must be really difficult to replicate.


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