About Me

There seems to be no area of our lives, whether public or private,that is not subject to the scrutiny of the 'Equality People' Yet, no one ever defines Equality. So, how will we know it when we see it? Is it definable? And are the principles of equality, however we define them, attainable?.Is the ever extending range of government regulation over our lives 'progress'Or,are we on the road to totalitarianism. Are we hindered or helped in our quest for rights and justice through membership of the E.U., U.N.,e.t.c. or, would a strengthening of our own Parliamentary Democracy serve us better. This Blog will comment on equality and related issues with the hope of making some small contribution to the debate. Feel free to post your opinions and share your thoughts and experiences. That way we can get a better idea of how we, the little people really feel about things. And,just maybe,we might even influence the debate!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Equality Means?_ page two

A couple more definitions of equality to ponder on. Thanks once again to those taking the trouble to contribute their ideas and thoughts.

  •   All people treated without bias or prejudice
  •   Positive discrimination to be eliminated by removal of all political correctness
  •   Merit to be awarded accordingly
Steve,Civil Servant

The term equality is a transcendental term,much like the term perfection. It is a term which provides a reference point ,the pursuit of an aspiration which can never be realised. Our human goal therefore, is to continue to discuss it, work out how its nuances can be applied to the ways in which we think and live.
It becomes therefore, a dialectical process, wherein its importance is realised in the journey
Michael, Philosopher

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be a long conversation with so many different opinions


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